Make a donation in a politician’s name

Sam McLure is running for AG in Alabama. In order to gain votes, he’s posting pictures of OB/GYN’s on his page who also provide abortion services and asking people to defend her right to perform legal medical procedures.  He’s not the first or the last to do this kind of nasty campaign trick but now you can fight back in their name.

Right now, across the country, there are at least 46 anti-abortion bills that have been introduced or are pending.  We need your support now more than ever, the clock is being turned back 50 years. Women are being referred to as “hosts” by lawmakers and requiring the father’s permission before a woman can have an abortion. Does this concern you? How can you help?

Show the world that pro-choice activists don’t back down to bullies! And help Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates give money to folks who need more hope for freedom in Alabama. For your donation of $25, or more, receive a 16″x20″ signed, numbered, limited edition poster. Make a donation in your least favorite politician’s name and help a woman in need.

Don't Tread On Me
Don’t Tread On Me

When a national anti-abortion group tried to bully every clinic in the state of Alabama by mailing plastic handcuffs – along with a message to go out of business, or their staff and owners would end up in jail – Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates got motivated instead of intimidated.

Our co-director Pamela J. Willis is an artist who took those handcuffs and made art. Pamela auctioned her painting as a fundraiser for ARRA – Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates. Because so many of you asked for posters of Pamela’s “Don’t Tread On Me” painting, ARRA has them now for a donation of $25, or more.

All proceeds after printing and mailing go to the Linda D Foundation, which supports pro-choice reproductive health care in Alabama. The Linda D Foundation assists patients in the state with contraceptive costs, helps fund medical training for nursing students committed to the spectrum of reproductive medical health care and works directly with reproductive health clinics to offset costs of abortions for patients.

Federal judge blocks anti-laws in Alabama


Media Release – Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates (ARRA) group speaks out on Abortion Rights Rulings

Huntsville, AL, October 28, 2016 — ARRA commends the ruling by a federal judge blocking two laws today that would have restricted abortions in Alabama, including one that would prevent clinics from operating within 2,000 feet of public schools.
The second law would ban dilation and evacuation abortions, which are considered safe and commonly performed in the second trimester.
U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson’s Thursday ruling blocks the implementation of the laws because they will likely be found unconstitutional.
In the opinion, Thompson wrote that the state’s efforts to reduce disruption at schools located near two clinics placed an undue burden on women seeking abortion.
“The record contains absolutely no evidence of concerns expressed by the school’s students or their parents about the Huntsville clinic or the demonstrations near it… It’s long past time for our elected officials to stop wasting time and taxpayer money passing laws that violate women’s constitutional rights and start focusing on the needs of women and families in this state,” Susan Thompson, executive director of the ACLU of Alabama wrote.
The closure of two of the state’s five abortion clinics would disproportionately affect low-income women who would have to drive further, even out of state, to get abortions, Thompson wrote. Huntsville and Tuscaloosa clinics would have bee affected.
The ACLU of Alabama has challenged seven abortion restrictions passed in Alabama during the last three years.

Trust Women

Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life

Overturning Roe VS Wade doesn’t mean women go to “another state” it means something far worse!

Pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion. We do not advocate abortion over birth – we simply defend the right of women to decide for themselves. The pro-choice movement supports and works towards preventing unwanted pregnancies, reducing abortion, promoting contraception, educating women and youth, and ensuring families have the necessary resources to raise healthy, happy children.

Giving every Alabama woman a voice for choice.